Healthcare survey

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  • 献血前应尽可能适当休息,保证充足睡眠。
  • 在献血前应当吃些清淡的食物,不要吃油腻食物,不要空腹献血。
  • 献血前还应把手臂特别是肘部洗干净。
  • 因为大量饮水会稀释血液,降低血液质量,从而影响病人治疗。
  • 献血后的营养补充一般以增加造血所必需的各种营养物质为宜。造血的原料主要包括:蛋白质、铁、叶酸和维生素B12等。
  • 含有优质蛋白质 较多的食物有:奶类、瘦肉、蛋类、豆制品等。
  • 含有铁 较多的食物有:动物肝脏、海蜇、虾、芝麻、海带、黑木耳、紫菜、香菇、豌豆、大枣、桂园等。另外,炒菜时可选用铁锅。
  • 含有叶酸 较多的食物有:猪肝、肾、牛肉等。
  • 含有维生素B12 较多的食物有:动物肝脏、猪或羊肾、腐乳等。
  • 总之,献血后不必特别地去吃些什么,只要吃得科学合理、有营养价值、可口、舒服、适量,就能在短时间里,恢复失去的那部分血液。
  • 献血后当天不要参加剧烈运动或通宵娱乐活动。
  • 半月内拔牙或其他小手术者。
  • 妇女月经前后三天,妊娠期、流产后未满六个月,分娩及哺乳期未满一年者。
  • 感冒、急性胃肠炎病愈未满一周者,急性泌尿道感染病愈未满一月者,肺炎病愈未满三个月者。
  • 某些传染病如痢疾病愈未满半年者,伤寒病愈未满一年者,布氏杆菌病愈未满二年者,疟疾病愈未满三年者。
  • 近五年内输注全血及血液成分者。
  • 较大手术后未满半年者,阑尾切除、疝修补术、扁桃体手术未满三月者。
  • 皮肤局限性炎症愈合后未满一周者,广泛性炎症愈合后未满两周者。
  • 性病、麻风病和艾滋病患者及艾滋病病毒感染者。
  • 肝炎病患者,乙型肝炎表面抗原阳性者,丙型肝炎抗体阳性者。
  • 过敏性疾病及反复发作过敏患者,如经常性寻麻疹、支气管哮喘、药物过敏(单纯性寻麻疹不在急性发作期间可献血〕。
  • 各种结核病患者,如肺结核、肾结核、淋巴结核及骨结核等。
  • 心血管疾病患者,如各种心脏病、高血压、低血压、心肌炎以及血栓性静脉炎等。
  • 呼吸系统疾病患者,如慢性支气管炎、肺气肿以及支气管扩张肺功能不全。
  • 消化系统和泌尿系统疾病患者,如较重的胃及十二指肠溃疡、慢性胃肠炎、急慢性肾炎以及慢性泌尿道感染、肾病综合征、慢性胰腺炎。
  • 血液病患者,如贫血、白血病、真性红细胞增多症及各种出、凝血性疾病。
  • 内分泌疾病或代谢障碍性疾病患者,如脑垂体及肾上腺疾病、甲亢、肢端肥大症、尿崩症及糖尿病。
  • 器质性神经系统疾病或精神病患者,如脑炎、脑外伤后遗症、癫痫、精神分裂症、癔病、严重神经衰弱等。
  • 寄生虫病及地方病患者,如黑热病、血吸虫病、丝虫病、钩虫病、囊虫病及肺吸虫病、克山病和大骨节病等。
  • 各种恶性肿瘤及影响健康的良性肿瘤患者。
  • 做过切除胃、肾、脾等重要内脏器官手术者。
  • 慢性皮肤病患者,特别是传染性、过敏性及炎症性全身皮肤疾病,如黄癣、广泛性湿疹及全身性牛皮癣等。
  • 有眼科疾病患者,如角膜炎、虹膜炎、视神经炎和眼底有变化的高度近视。
  • 自身免疫性疾病及胶原性疾病,如系统性红斑狼疮、皮肤炎、硬皮病等。
  • 有吸毒史者。
  • 同性恋者、多个性伴侣者。
  • 体检医生认为不能献血的其他疾病患者。
资料来源: 新华网 ======================================================================= 1. Check whether you are eligible to donate As there is a set of criteria you have to meet to be eligible to donate blood that is healthy and free from diseases that can be transmitted by blood, do check if you fulfil them before you go for the donation. The criteria are:
  • You are healthy on the day you wish to donate blood.
  • You are 18 to 65 years old. (Those above 17-years-old can donate with the consent of their guardians or parents)
  • You weigh above 45kg.
  • You slept for more than five hours the day before.
  • You have eaten some food in the past four hours before the blood donation.
  • It has been at least three months after your last blood donation.
  • You do not have any medical problems. (You can discuss them with the medical officer present if you have them.)
  • You are not on any medications.
  • For women, you are not having your period for the past three days.
  • You are not pregnant or breastfeeding.
  • You are not a MSM (a man who has sex with men).
  • You do not take part in high-risk behaviours (e.g. have multiple sexual partners – more than one within six months, or have sex with sex workers.)
  • You do not have tattoos, ear/body piercing or acupuncture within 12 months.
  • You have not stayed in the UK and Europe during 1980 to 1996.
2. Just before you donate
  • Get a good night’s sleep.
  • Have a good breakfast or lunch.
  • Drink extra water and fluids (avoid tea, coffee, or other beverages with caffeine).
  • Eat iron-rich foods: red meat, fish, poultry or liver, beans, green leafy vegetables.
  • Avoid fatty foods, such as hamburgers and fries before donating. As tests for infections (done on all donated blood) can be affected by fatty materials (lipids) that appear in your blood (for several hours after fatty foods), the required testing cannot be performed and your blood may need to be discarded.
3. During the donation
  • Wear clothes with sleeves that can be raised above the elbow.
  • If you have donated blood before, show the person who is going to take your blood any good veins that have been used successfully to draw blood.
  • Relax, it is not that painful (you will be given a local anaesthetic at the donation site).
  • Usually, snack and drinks will be provided. Have some immediately after donating.
4. After the donation
  • When you donate blood you will lose some of your fluids. Rehydrate by drinking plenty of fluids over the next 24 to 48 hours.
  • You can go back to school or to work immediately after you donate blood, but avoid strenuous physical activity or heavy lifting for about five hours after donation.
  • If you feel light headed after the donation, lie down (preferably with feet elevated), until the feeling passes.
  • In the rare cases when bleeding occurs after removing the bandage, apply pressure to the site and raise your arm for three to five minutes. If bleeding or bruising occurs under the skin, apply a cold pack to the area periodically during the first 24 hours.
  • If for any reason something doesn’t feel right, call the blood centre where you donated blood or the blood centre that organised the blood donation drive as soon as possible.
Source: The Star Online

